About client

Caritas Hospital, located in Thellakom P.O., Kottayam, is notable for its commitment to healthcare excellence and water management. In 2008, the hospital initiated a significant project involving the design and installation of a Water Treatment Plant (WTP) with a substantial capacity of 1500 cubic meters per day. 

The project also encompassed an Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) to ensure the continued optimal performance of the WTP. The chosen technology for water treatment was GS, underscoring a commitment to advanced and efficient solutions in providing a steady and clean water supply for the hospital’s operations. Caritas Hospital’s investment in this infrastructure reflects a dedication to both healthcare and environmental sustainability.

Project information


Caritas Hospital


Thellakom P.O., Kottayam

Service Provided & Year

WTP - Design, Installation (2008)


GS (Global System, an Integrated System of Anaerobic & Aerobic biodegradation process.)


1500 cubic meters per day

Project goals

The primary goals of Caritas Hospital’s project in Thellakom, Kottayam, were to establish a high-capacity Water Treatment Plant (WTP) using GS technology, ensuring a reliable and clean water supply for the hospital’s operations. The project aimed to integrate advanced water treatment methods, implement an Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for sustained efficiency, and align with environmentally responsible practices, emphasizing both healthcare excellence and environmental sustainability.
