About client

Federal Institute of Science And Technology (FISAT), located in Hormis Nagar, Mookkannoor P O, Ernakulam, undertook a significant project in 2009 with the design and installation of a Water Treatment Plant (WTP). Boasting a daily capacity of 300 cubic meters and incorporating Global System (GS) technology, the project aimed to establish a reliable and purified water supply to meet the diverse needs of academic, research, and campus activities.

This forward-thinking initiative reflects FISAT’s commitment to providing an environmentally conscious and sustainable infrastructure for its students, faculty, and staff. By investing in advanced water treatment methods, the institution not only enhances the quality of water resources but also contributes to responsible water management practices. The implementation of the WTP aligns with FISAT’s dedication to fostering excellence in education while ensuring a conducive and environmentally friendly campus environment.

Project information


Federal Institute of Science And Technology (FISAT)


Hormis Nagar, Mookkannoor P O, Ernakulam

Service Provided & Year

WTP - Design, Installation (2009)


GS (Global System, an Integrated System of Anaerobic & Aerobic biodegradation process.)


300 cubic meters per day

Project goals

The project at the Federal Institute of Science And Technology (FISAT), initiated in 2009, had the fundamental goal of establishing a Water Treatment Plant (WTP) with a daily capacity of 300 cubic meters, incorporating Global System (GS) technology. The primary objective was to ensure a consistent and purified water supply, catering to the diverse needs of academic, research, and campus activities. Through this initiative, FISAT aimed to enhance the overall quality of water resources, fostering an environmentally conscious and sustainable infrastructure.

By investing in cutting-edge water treatment methods, the institution sought to exemplify responsible water management practices and contribute to a greener and more conducive campus environment. The project at FISAT reflects the institution’s commitment to providing a high standard of education while prioritizing the well-being of its students, faculty, and staff through sustainable and innovative infrastructure solutions.
